Yard and vehicle load management

 Yard and vehicle load management is an integrated Hardware&Software solution that allows you to easily manage your teams, drivers and delivery process. The solution facilitates the supervision of the entire supply-chain.

Features and Benefits:

  • Conformity checks: It ensures that all conformity rules are respected before get going with the shipping proccess with mandatory daily vehicle check and defect reporting directly into the app by the drivers.
  • Simplification of scheduling: You can allocate a driver to a certain route, check if the scheduale is respected and easily trace the shipping process.
  • Job Management: A single integrated configurable Android application that not only covers the drivers, but also the supervisors, managers and an adiministrator. The solution features its own web based management interface where the administrator can manage all the accounts and also the supervisors can see and edit certain operations.
  • Scanners: The solution is designed for Honeywell EDA70 scanner but the integration with other scanner models may be implemented on request.
  • Enterprise class:The system is tested and has a high scalability, high reliability.

Yard and vehicle load management